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Last year, we held our Annual Conference in Birmingham on Thursday, 20 June 2024. It was our first hybrid Conference, enabling members to engage with the Q&A sessions both in person and online. Thank you to all our members who have actively participated, it was great to hear from you.

Conference gave our members the opportunity to vote on various important matters which included:

  • Board of Directors Elections: voting on candidates for the Board-nominated and Member-nominated Director positions.
  • Statutory Resolutions: voting on the Appointment of Auditors, Directors' Remuneration, and our Annual Report and Accounts.
  • Memorandum and Rule Amendment: voting on a change that will enable us to offer different products, each on a flat rate basis.

You can find all the voting results here.



There are up to six Member-Nominated Directors on Benenden Health's Board. If you feel that you have the skills and experience to serve on the Board, you can find out more below. In this article we will answer your questions about:


The nomination window for this year's Board election is now open and will close on 28 February 2025. If you are interested in submitting a self-nomination, the election process is explained below.

Our Board of Directors is responsible for making decisions in the best interests of our members.

The Board sets the strategic direction of the Society, monitoring and oversight of operational activity and compliance with current legislation including our own Rulebook and propositions passed at Conference.

Operational responsibility for the conduct of the Society’s business is delegated to the Chief Executive, so it isn’t the Board’s responsibility to manage the Society. The Board is responsible for providing oversight and constructive challenge to the executive directors.

The Board comprises:

  • The Chair who is one of the Board-Nominated Non-Executive Directors.

  • Up to six Member-Nominated Non-Executive Directors.

  • Up to six Board-Nominated Non-Executive Directors.

  • Two Executive Directors, who are senior employees of Benenden Health.

Directors serve a three-year term of office but can re-stand for election (subject to nomination) until they have served a maximum of three terms, at which point they are no longer eligible for re-election. Roles are vacated on a rotational basis, with at least one third of the Board standing down each year. Elections are held by Direct Member Vote.

The Role

The role of Non-Executive Director for the Society is equivalent to that of a non-executive director in a listed company. Members of the Board direct the business of an organisation with a considerable turnover and must be accountable in that role.

Find out more by downloading the detailed background information (PDF) about the role.

Nomination and Election Process

Any member may self-nominate to stand for election for a Member-Nominated Non-Executive Director post during the nomination window.

To submit a nomination, candidates are asked to:

  • Complete the application form (PDF), which includes a questionnaire based on the questions asked by the Financial Conduct Authority for "approved persons" and a self-assessment of the essential competencies required for the role.

  • Supply an up-to-date CV.

This documentation will be assessed by a panel comprised of representatives of the Board of Directors, representatives of the Member Council and chaired by an independent third party. Having assessed the documentation, the panel may choose to remove candidates from the process under Rule 24.5 on the basis that the candidates have not demonstrated the required capabilities to serve on the Board of Directors. Candidates will be notified of the outcome of this process.

Candidates continuing in the process may be required to attend an introductory candidate session which may be held in person or remotely.

Those candidates continuing in the process will be asked to:

  • Provide required information for Benenden Health to carry out background checks (including credit checks and criminal record checks).

  • Provide employment references (if employed within the last 5 years).

  • Submit biographical details, responses to a set of mandatory questions and a recent photograph to include in the election section of the Conference Agenda and Direct Member Voting pack.

  • Attend a mandatory panel interview. The interview panel will be made up of representatives of the Board of Directors, representatives of the Member Council and will be chaired by an independent third party. Following the interview, the panel may choose to remove candidates from the process under Rule 24.5 on the basis that the candidates have not demonstrated the required capabilities to serve on the Board of Directors.

Candidates who will be aged 70 or over at the time of the election must be approved by the Board as eligible to stand for election in accordance with Rule 24.1.1. 

Board elections are carried out via Direct Member Voting – a ballot of all Society members with the results announced at our Annual Conference each year.

If you're interested in joining our Board of Directors and self-nominating in the upcoming election, you can find further information about the role in the Supporting Documents section.

If you require any assistance or support with your application please email