Are you doing enough to support the health and wellbeing of your employees?
Planning, launching and evolving a health and wellbeing strategy is the best investment you will make in your team and your business.
The good news is that you have the answers within the walls of your organisation: it takes an initial time investment by listening to your people, their experiences and their needs. Our free Health and Wellbeing Strategy Guide can guide you through this. Learn about the five key stages to creating your own personal health and wellbeing strategy at your company and start putting your employees first.
Why do I need a health and wellbeing strategy?
Planning now will save you valuable time and money further down the line
Helps you to have conversations with your budget holders about securing financial support
Improves attendance, productivity and retention
Results in a healthier, happy workforce

To discover how Benenden could support your business with our health and wellbeing services please call 0808 163 4886 or visit our Business Healthcare page.
Our business healthcare
Benenden Healthcare for Business provides an affordable, high quality, private healthcare solution to support all your employees. With easy setup and no exclusions on pre-existing medical conditions, we want to help make healthcare a standard of employment for everyone, rather than just a perk for the few. See how we can help you develop a healthcare solution that works for your whole business.