9am-5pm, Mon - Fri excludes Bank Holidays
8am-5pm, Mon-Fri excludes Bank Holidays
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week
Before you call us you must have:
Before you call us you must have:
A CCSD code. This stands for Clinical Coding and Schedule Development Group. This is your treatment procedure code; your consultant should be able to provide this code as standard.
The procedure required. View our approved procedure list.
A copy of the consultant's report.
Your wait time must be longer than the current threshold.
^If you're resident in England, Wales or Scotland when joining you can request Surgical Treatment after six months of membership.
If you're resident in Northern Ireland and joined us before 19 February 2024, you can request Surgical Treatment after six months of membership. If you joined us on or after then you can request Surgical Treatment after 24 months of membership.